Of course, this morning I woke up and my knee hurts. Badly. I can't bend or kneel on it. It feels like it got hyper-extended, so I'm going to take it easy and take some time off of it to see how it feels in the coming days. I'll be sure to update you all here.
Other great great news . . . . I am down to 172 lbs!!! I have lost 13 lbs since the start of January and this challenge! In 4 weeks I have also managed to take off 8.5 inches total!!! I'm super stoked! Now to just wait out this knee thing... :(
Quick recap of my workouts from day 21 to present:
Day 21: 2 hrs Derby
Day 22: 2 hrs Derby
Day 23: Day off
Day 24: Ran 1.47 mi, Derby 2 hrs
Day 25: Walked w/ a friend 2.86 mi, ran 1.665 mi, Derby 2 hrs
Day 26: Day off
Day 27: Day off
Day 28: DERBY TRYOUTS! I made a team! WOO!
Day 29: Knee hurting, taking today and tomorrow off.
Day 30 (end of January): Day off
My total running/walking mileage for January ends at 24.816 miles. I was hoping for 25 miles total at least, but due to the knee, I'm calling it here.
End of month one in the 60 day challenge! Onward and upward to month two!