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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Going to the Fair and Week 4

So this is a dual post. First off, went and worked at the fair for a few hours. Had a booth and skating stuff to support so I talked to the general populace and had a good time.

I went prepared to the fair with water plus apples, chicken breast strips and a salad. I ended up bringing the salad home and sharing the rest of my snack menagerie with my boothmate who is a total sweetheart... So of course I wanted to share snacks!!

Still hungry, I went in search of reasonably healthful food. I know what you're thinking, healthful food at the FAIR?! Isn't it all fried butter sticks, fried oreos and fried twinkies? Not so, my friends! I ended up with a smoked turkey leg (which was awesome if a bit salty) and corn on the cob (SANS butter!). For my "treat" I splurged and had dark chocolate covered strawberries. Overall, I felt really good. I DID have both a diet coke and a decaf soy sugar-free latte, but both have been tracked in my food journal and accounted for the day!

Tonight is my first night back at skating for quite a few weeks. I'm looking forward to being in the groove and logging all of the calories burned! Extra cardio is always welcome! Plus, tonight begins week FOUR of RYBO!.

I ended up not running last night to make 4x for the week. The family tackled cleaning in the basement and took a carload to Goodwill. We got our workout doing housework until well past 9pm. Between laundry, sorting and carrying boxes of stuff, getting rid of junk and numerous bags of garbage, trust me... it was workout enough!

WEEK FOUR! Has it really been a month already?! I can't believe how quickly time is flying. Four weeks in to this journey already and only 8 more to go!

Week 4 plans:
1. Walk 3 minutes, run 3 minutes (for a total of 15 minutes running! Yowza!)
2. Maintain a steady pace between walking and running. There shouldn't be a speed difference!
3. Measure portion sizes (CHECK!) & track daily calories (CHECK!)

That's it this week. Pretty simple! Weigh in on Tuesday AM and see if we've really kept off the weight the scale has shown me losing, stay hydrated with water and add back in my skating.

I'll write an update later in the week and let you guys know how its going!
As always,

Friday, August 26, 2011

Of Onions and Workouts.

So, tonight was workout 3 for the week. Run #4 is optional and I'm still going to try to hit it. The run was great, but rather, uhm.. .burpish.

We went out to mexican for dinner tonight. I ended up having just a big salad with green peppers, onions, chicken breast, mushrooms, lettuce and a tad of tomato. No dressing. No chips. No beans, rice or dip. I DID however indulge in a diet pepsi. It was harder than I thought. I caught myself just auto-piloting the hand towards the chips until I realized what I was doing and dropped it like a hot potato. My husband was kind enough to move them out of my reach.

I did a 20 minute Jillian Michaels workout from her 30 Day Shred DVD. I had just started Level I when I had to pleasure of my hubby joining me! It was fun to do a quick workout and suffer together. After that, I went and did my 30 minutes of walk/run. I kept it above 3.5 mph tonight and cranked it to 4.0 for the run portions. I admit, I was a bit more lax on run timing and started almost every run early. It felt REALLY good to push a bit. I could have run faster than the 4.0, but even with it seeming slow, I need to follow RYBO! as best as I can.

Note to self: Onions give you burps. Running exacerbates said burps. Yuck.

Another quick note: I did treat myself yesterday and today with a bit of sugar-free Dove chocolate. Not a full serving and it was only the last two days. Logged it and moved forward. It's my reward for NOT having a bowl of chips, huge thing of bean dip, no DQ Blizzards and no soda the entire week, but for tonight. My pop consumption has gone WAY down and I'm happy to report that I am having 1, MAYBE 2 per WEEK now as opposed to 1 or 4 a day. It's been tea or water all day for me and I'm doing well on it. Need to up the water intake a bit more, but I'm getting at least 7 or 8 glasses a day. Okay, some days a little less... more like 3 or 4, if you don't count the green tea as hydrating.

The weekend plans are rather hectic, but I am going to stay true to the plan. Sunday is officially 7 days in to my 17 day eating program and the start of week 4 RYBO!

Gimmie Some! PT!
Good for you! Good for me!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 3 - Redone

Since I have been so ill and unable to do anything, as you're aware I'm re-doing week 3. Yesterday I did my 30 minute run. It was very very slow, more of a shuffle during the 2 minute run portions, but I got it done and felt.... meh. The cough isn't gone still and that last remnant of illness is severely frustrating when trying to accomplish anything.

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE.... I weighed myself first thing Tuesday AM and I am down 5lbs from where I began on this journey. It means that while I wasn't exercising, I was watching what I ate well enough to drop the lbs via diet alone. I'm very happy with this and am even more motivated to add in the exercise to drop additional weight.

Tonight will be run #2. No skating. I am taking this week off to fully get back in to the swing of things and I will hopefully resume it on Sunday.

My weight tracker should now be updated to reflect the new, 5lb lighter me! (7lbs total since I started that tracker)
Yours in fitness,

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wise words indeed...

"I learned there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead, others come from b
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see.
Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me." ~ Dr. Seuss

A good friend reminded me of this passage today,
and I just had to post it, keeping troubles at bay.
So watch out, you troubles, I'm here to stay!!
Fair warning to those that would stand in my way.

Forewarned is forearmed,

Friday, August 19, 2011

The best laid plans...

... aka. I wanted to do week 3, but the sickness fairy had other ideas. The entire family has had this and I'm hopeful that the kids, who appear to be on the mend, escape needing meds like I do.

Just got back from the Dr. and I have a sinus infection with an "angry" ear, but not quite an ear infection. Started a "Z" pack tonight and so I will be re-doing week 3. Being out sick, I can't honestly go on without accomplishing each phase. It's not in the cards to short-change myself.

I will post again when I'm feeling better and back on track with an actual RYBO! workout!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 3 - A bit derailed but never completely off-track

It's funny how things pop up just as you're getting in to the groove of things. It always seems to be what happens to me and my family. We'll start something that is super fun and then we all get sick.

The summer cold bug hit us on Friday AM and so plans become a bit disjointed. With my husband off on an altruistic mission for family and me with 2 sick kids at home, we're all a bit burnt out and in need of some rest.

I am not doing skating tonight. This is the 3rd Sunday I believe I've missed practice. I will go tomorrow evening if I'm feeling up to it and of course, Tuesday and Wednesday. Again, this all depends upon how I'm feeling.

Officially amended plans for the week:
Sunday - rest
Monday - RYBO! week 3 start and skating if my body feels okay
Tuesday - RYBO! and skating
Wednesday - RYBO! and skating
Thursday - Core and either a rest day or walk
Friday - RYBO!
Saturday - Bootcamp and AM skating

Healthful eating the last 2 days has been more challenging as I'm tired and want things that are quick to make. Thankfully I have some leftovers that have a lot of veggies and good protein so dinners are taken care of. I've kept close to my daily allotment of calories and when I've indulged, I haven't gone overboard. Plus I have been upping the fluid intake and having a LOT of tea, both green and decaf varieties.

Off for now to get some rest. Crazy weekend and I need to get to bed early tonight I think.
Yours in fitness,

Friday, August 12, 2011

Week 2 Updates

Not to worry! I haven't forgotten about you lovelies! I've gotten a bit busy but I'm here now so ... lets get on with the update for the week!

Monday night - Skating: It was a killer. 30 minute bootcamp, 1.5 hours speed drills, sprints and more speed work. Crazy crazy workout and my legs were crying by the end. Felt great though and I had a fantastic time.

Tuesday - more skating: Not as intense as Monday. I took the time to work on form, squats, cross-overs, grapevines and stops (on skates). Then I took my skates off for the last 30 minutes and did wall sits, crunches, hello dollys, scissor kicks on my back (no higher than 45 degress, no lower than 6" from the floor) and planks. It was amazing!

Wednesday: I did a 30 minute workout DVD (The Firm Express) and then my 30 minute walk/run. I was feeling it from all the skating earlier in the week and the Firm had a LOT of squats and lunges. The walk/run, I was tired, but I stuck with it and got it done.

Thursday: My 3rd walk/run was tonight and it felt better than Wednesdays. I took Thursday off from ANY lifting or body-weight exercises and I am glad that I did. It was a much needed rest day.

That leaves me with today, Friday: While kiddo was skating, I was walking around the rink pushing the stroller. I got in a good 30-35 minutes at a good pace and only walked. I'm going to do some core work tonight (Ab Ripper X or the Firm Abs DVD's), stretch and then get in a long soak in the tub!! I would like to get in another walk/run either tonight or tomorrow to make a total of 4 for the week.

Plans for the weekend are skating tomorrow AM after a bootcamp style workout, and maybe skating Sunday night. Had a wrench thrown in my plans though as I don't have anyone to watch the youngest while I'm doing skating on Sunday. So it may be a workout DVD instead.

Eating has gone well. I have been reasonable on the choices I make and treat myself sparingly. I have been staying well within my calorie allotment for the day. I am cutting back on the diet cokes still and hope to be done with those soon. Hard when they are in the house a lot and convenient. Still drinking tea for breakfast and most of the day as well as water.

I can't say it enough: I am feeling GOOD. Actually, I have been feeling GREAT. I am looking forward to the coming weeks of RYBO! workout plans.

That's all the news that's fit to print! Long blog post, but I had a lot to cover. Thanks for sticking with me!
Warm regards,

Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 2 - Day 1

Today was the first day of running for me. It was AWESOME!!!

I was so surprised how fast the minute of running went and after a few cycles of walk/run, I ended up doing 2 minutes for the last run. Because I was just feeling THAT good.

I'm focusing on my stride a lot since I have the time. Really aiming for a mid-foot to ball of the foot strike. When I've run previously, I have been a heel striker and that let to some major issues. Especially when I was running upwards of 5 miles a day and doing sprints. So this time, lets get it right!

Practice does NOT make "perfect". Practice makes PERMANENT. You practice something wrong a thousand times, you wont become "perfect". PERFECT practice, makes perfect.

Looking forward to day 2! Definitely shooting for 4 running days this week, if not a bit more. If today was any indication of what's to come... I'm in for a good ride! Erm... run.

Tonight is a 2 hour skating practice. Also looking forward to this since I was so exhausted yesterday. Up almost hourly Saturday night with baby, so I was really dragging Sunday. Took it off and I'm glad I did. Today was much more enjoyable running wise than if I had pushed it and suffered.

Little steps!

An addendum to the RYBO! madness I'm in... I am also part of a "Biggest Loser" challenge that started today. It will end officially on September 5th and I am aiming to win. I mean, why be part of a challenge if you aren't in it to win? :D I'm such a competitive monkey...

That's all for now! Will update the next workout I finish.
Yours in Fitness,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 of RYBO! was great.

Week 2 starts tomorrow. As I completed the 3 days of RYBO! week 1 plan, I may safely move on to week 2, so I shifted the start days to Sunday. I still plan on weighing myself once a week on Tuesdays, although I may shift that as well over the next few weeks to get it on Sunday mornings. Part of my whole new outlook, being flexible with plans.

Goals for this week per RYBO!:
1. Start the walk/run phase. It's a short 1 min run interspersed with walking for 30 minutes.
2. Start a food journal. (Check! Thank you myfitnesspal.com!)

My personal goals:
1. Cut back on the diet pop.
2. Be flexible.
3. Do my walk/run outside.

I have to say, even with a movie playing, I still don't like the treadmill. So I need to get out of the house more for walking.

I've noticed that I've gotten a bit more accomplished this week. I seem to have had some extra energy and it's being put to good use. I've been culling, sorting and going through the many boxes and storage tubs of stuff that accumulate over the years. Yes, it's all just stuff. I hate clutter, tchotchkes and "filled space". Give me bare clean counters, tables and desks! Shelves with minimal stuff on them and life is good!

Tomorrow after my RYBO! 30 minutes, I'll tackle our downstairs storage area. There's a lot that can go to GoodWill and be useful to someone other than us I'm sure!

Ignore the lateness of this entry. Not sure why, but I can't seem to sleep tonight. 0105 hours and I think I'm about ready to try to crash out for a bit before baby wakes up.

Thank you for sticking around for Week 1! It's over and we're on to Week 2! WOOHOO!
Warmest Regards,

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 2 - Lesson learned

RYBO! talks about taking your 30 minutes for yourself. Try not to do it with kids etc. The idea being you just focus on yourself and not have distractions while changing your habits.

I get the point. Today, was out for 15 minutes total and was back home. Kiddo didn't want to be out walking or on her scooter. This is the child that can roller skate for hours on end and want to do more. I think it will take some getting used to, so I'll spend the time with her walking outside, but I'm planning from now on making these walks superfluous to my daily RYBO! "tally".

Tonight, I walked 30 minutes on the treadmill while watching some more of my movie. I have found that I REALLY don't like the treadmill, but I feel self-conscious walking outdoors alone. Not due to safety, but because the thought of walking away from the house, even for 30 minutes to walk just seems... weird? Moms don't walk away from the family. Odd feeling, but I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. I don't get why I feel like this. I mean, good grief, self!! Why is it okay to run errands but not be out of the house just for you?

Today's eating was super healthful. I did have tofu pad thai for dinner and some fresh vegetable spring rolls, but I checked out the caloric content ahead of time and limited my intake. I have almost a full carton of pad thai left that I will portion out for lunch on Friday & Saturday.

I did have one diet coke but I ended up not finishing it. I consider that a win! The tea at breakfast seems to more than do the trick.

Thank you to all who have contacted me, emailed, messaged and sent encouragement! Your support is very appreciated.
With Love,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 1 - The First Step

Okay, so we all realize this is about more than just 30 minutes of walking this week, yes? This is the first step in a long line of steps, building towards the goal of 30 minutes, continuous running. It's something I'd been able to do previously, but this time I intend to make it stick. We are done having kids and I am out of excuses. Enough babbling, here is how day 1 went...

Really, this adventure starts Sunday night when I had skate practice. It was a crazy 2 hours of an intense bootcamp style workout, first 30 minutes off skates, the next hour and half on skates. By Monday, I was feeling it and with the baby teething, not getting as much rest as I probably needed.

Tuesday evening I had another skate practice. I didn't go hard like I did on Sunday and took the opportunity to work on more detailed training with intense intervals thrown in. I finished with wall sits and ended up getting home rather late. I did not get much sleep.

Now on to today.... Wednesday and Day 1:
I spent the morning tired, but focused. I had a healthful breakfast of fresh fruit (banana and apricots) and cottage cheese. Throughout the morning, I sipped on green tea (Numi Jasmine Green tea, one of my favorites!) and tried to plan WHEN to do a simple 30 minute walk. I had to wait until my husband could watch the kids and I went down and hit the treadmill for 30 minutes while watching part of a movie. I had been thinking to myself all day that 30 minutes of walking is too easy and why NOT run for a minute here and there. But I chose to follow the plan to the letter and I'm very very glad I did. Something that seems so simple, was extremely beneficial after the intensity of the 2 skate workouts. I felt the kinks work out, some of the stress melt away and per the book, I kept the pace brisk, but not panicked.

I have eaten super cleanly today, under my caloric goal.

This whole plan seems to be working out brilliantly. And I'm really looking forward to the coming weeks. I think this slower "ramping up" will be more effective when paired with cross-training, so as to avoid injury and give myself time to adjust to adding in a new sport.

My plan for the rest of the week:
Walk Thursday, Friday and Saturday to give me 4 days of 30 minutes of walking. I may do an open skate this Saturday for a few hours, but we shall see.

Next week the plans are as follows:
Sunday - 2 hr skating practice
Monday - Week 2 RYBO program (Walk 4, Run 1 - 30 minutes)
Tuesday - 2 hr skating practice
Wednesday - RYBO!
Thursday - RYBO! PLUS Hip Hop Abs
Friday - RYBO!
Saturday - 2 - 5 hours AM skating

Yours in fitness,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Journey and What It's About

Dear Followers,

So, as with everything I seem to do, I'm jumping in to this journey and blog with both feet! I tend to do this with every aspect of my life... the quick whim, the impulsive purchase, the vigor and excitement of purpose and something new.

I intend for this one to stick.

How did this begin? As I said, with a whim... I got a book from the library today called, "Run Your Butt Off!" (RYBO) and as a busy mother of 2, of course I had time to read today. Ha Ha! That's a joke, people. Really, I glanced at the book, got engrossed in it and then made time for me to read and absorb. Only 4 chapters in, but it really struck a chord as, "This is me. I have to do this. I CAN do this!" So here I am... forcing upon the masses yet another blog.

The purpose of this journey is just sharing my experiences. Putting myself out there for friends, family and strangers alike to see and to realize, if an over-weight mother of 2 can go from couch potato to running 30 solid minutes, anyone can.

I want to note: This is NOT about the running. This is about me learning a new sport and endeavoring to change my lifestyle. I don't want people to feel that I'm advocating running. This is only what I've chosen for myself. Everyone needs to find that "thing" that clicks for them. I also am a cyclist who in years past has done the Seattle to Portland bike ride and ridden numerous hours/miles for fun and commuting. I am also doing roller skating/derby, but that is a story for another time. You will see me logging skate time here, but stories will be absent. It's not about the "type" of sport or "event" you choose. It's how you make it work for you and attain your goals.

I know what it means to be fit. I know that I am not there now. Muscle memory does not stick around for 5 years, so I am starting from scratch. I will be logging/blogging numbers, but keeping it simple. I love the details, the numbers and the overkill of information, so this will be an exercise in me NOT going overboard, while being kind about obstacles and successes alike.

Thank you to everyone that is or will be following. Thank you to my amazing husband who is picking up a bit of slack, 30 minutes a day for me to do this. That's all this is... 30 minutes a day. I can make that work and turn it in to a life long habit.

Warm Regards,